Preparing your home for a private viewing is essential. These are the things you should focus on...
Clean up
First impression is everything! Clean up your home and make it spotless.
Organize everything, including closets
Don’t forget to check inside your closets and other hidden places. They will want to see everything.
Make Your home cozy and inviting
Add artwork, plants, dried flowers, candles and other things that will make the property feel homey.
Ask a friend to take care of your pet during the viewing.
Družba je po standardni klasifikaciji dejavnosti uvrščena v podrazred 10.820 - proizvodnja kakava, čokolade in sladkornih izdelkov. Osnovna dejavnost družbe je proizvodnja kakavovih izdelkov za napitke, proizvodnja desertnih prelivov, proizvodnja izdelkov iz žitaric in pakiranje drugih izdelkov.
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